Recent News: I saw my hematologist on Feb. 20th and he said my blood panels were outstanding! He was comfortable with me going down to ONE shot a day!!! I think the word that came to mind the most is: relief. It stressed me out to make sure that I always had a back up shot in my purse in case we weren't home by 9pm. And now I get one extra hour of sleep before I won't get to sleep any more ;)
How Far Along: Today - 30 weeks and 3 day (7 and a half months) -- 10 weeks until due date!

Baby V's Size: 16 inches and 3.5 pounds. From my app, the size of a cantaloupe, a motorcycle helmet, and a platypus (minus the tail). Gender: It's been so easy not finding out! I get all kinds of reactions when I tell people who ask, "We don't even know," and "It's a surprise." I have excited women say, "That's exactly what I want to do." or "We did that too!" On the flip side, I do wish people would be more sensitive with their reactions because some people seem horrified. It's completely our decision and I'm not trying to inconvenience anyone. I also know I need a tougher skin though.

Gotta Have: Enjoyed some fresh seafood while at the beach! And I'm still not experiencing any crazy pregnancy cravings! I think it's because I don't feel deprived on my low carb, high fat diet. I'm loving my smoothies, any way to cook an egg, lots of avocados, and my peanut butter wraps. @So.Lo_in_Carb.onite Pictured above is from Billy's Seafood, a great spot to pick up fresh fish in Bon Secour, Alabama.
Keep it Away: No real aversions but I had acid reflux for my week at the beach and this past weekend it kept me up at night. Right before leaving for the beach, I had a slice of cake, a cookie (both from Campbell's Bakery in Jackson - I mean really, who can turn that down), some amazing chicken salad finger sandwiches, chips, and the cutest mini blt sandwiches... all of which were amazing, totally amazing! But to say I paid the price is an understatement! I'm finally getting back to normal though. Cheating like that is fun but it does start a crazy cycle in my body that makes me crave, cheat, and then hurt physically. Cutting it all out by going back down to 20 grams of carbs, instead of my usual 50 grams did the trick. Being able to smart snack with some chocolate, peanut butter fat bombs has totally kicked me out of that cycle and has completely stopped my acid reflux. It took about 3 days for my body to reset though.
Missing: Nothing really! I feel like I'm so lucky to experience this fleeting chapter.

Symptoms: A couple of nights ago, I had swollen ankles two evenings in a row: the night I wore my Chacos again for the first time and after I wore my turquoise Converses. I tested out my regular Nike tennis shoes to see if it's the shoes or just a new symptom of pregnancy that I can't avoid. Turns out, it's most likely the shoes! Believe it or not, my feet and ankles do better in tennies and heals than flats! What is that??
Size Changes: During my first trimester, I gained 10 pounds. In my second, I gained 10 pounds -- hopefully I can keep up the trend and only add another 10 when this trimester is done!
- My innie belly button is still an innie, curious to see if that changes in these last few months.
- I've gone up a bra size, kinda fun!
Pictured: Bathing suit from Target and coverup from my little sis, Nicole Ray!
Sleep: Every third night I don't get much sleep. I'm not one to go to the bathroom a million times, but I get so hot at 3am. Sometimes I can go back to sleep after taking off all my covers, but other times I'll stay up until 7am worrying about nothing. Thankfully, it's not every night though and getting good practice in preparation for feeding or changing Baby V every two hours.

I'm in love with the crib linens (to go with the amazing crib from Jeremy's parents) and can't get over Restoration Hardware's quality -- my mom did so good!! We've used lots of art, which shouldn't surprise anyone, with both families of artists. And Jeremy and I were so surprised that we actually had the same Bunnykins cup and saucer when we were babies.
I feel that our baby's room is a real reflection of Jeremy's and my childhood combined with our married life. Lots of personal touches, yet interior design-worthy -- we had fun!
As you can see, June thinks this new bed and room is just for her! She already sleeps in the bassinet for half the night before curling up on my tummy and boppy pillow that I use to support it.

On My Mind: How a normal day in the life of the Vaughn family will be when Baby V is here and trying to envision the go-to things we will need. I'm all about some diaper and feeding stations strategically placed all over our house. We have a 4 bedroom house with 3 stories and I refuse to go up and down stairs a million times a day just to get a wet wipe. I plan on having a rock'n play for Baby V in the kitchen for napping, the bassinet in our bedroom, and the crib in the nursery. Lots of options but want to be fully prepared. I've also made lots of lists, like: what to pack for the hospital, what items we're missing, our delivery/birth plans, what work for Britton's Art Studio and Vaughn Design I need to have completed asap... Guess I've started nesting!
Picture from St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Magnolia Springs, Alabama. Too beautiful and holy to just walk by.
What was something you couldn't live with out with your newborn? Or what was your favorite thing you got, that you didn't even know you needed? I love advice and would love to hear from you! Take Care,
